Took the easier path to Oporto today. After a long slog into Oilvera de Azermeis yesterday I was a mess on many levels. Today staying at a lovely Pensao in Oporto, and getting some laundry happening. Had a magnificent meal last night, Zoupa de Legume and Omelette Espanhola. Food has been good on this route.
Hope to make Vilarinho tomorrow.
Thanks for the encouragement, I hope to break out from the House of Pain, and find that House of Insight. I have had one significant moment, which I will not elaborate on here.
Cristina, thanks for posting for me. Happy father´s day to the dads tomorrow.
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Happy Father's Day Ashley and to all Aussie Dad's reading this.
Have only just managed to read your blog. Sorry to hear about your feet - it must be unbearable. We spoke about taking your time before you left & "smelling the roses" .........
Happy Father's day for Sunday!
Good to see you are taking a rest to recover. Take it easy for Father's Day.
Fathers Day leaves me feeling pretty empty these days, I hope your trek brings some meaning back into it for you also. Maybe I need to do something like this. Good luck with the rest of your journey, I will keep Mum informed through your page on here.Hope you have a memorable Fathers Day over there. Look after your feet!!
Happy Fathers Day Ashley,
Sorry about your difficult with blisters on your feet
please take good care of them, or they may be Unable to
carry you to the end of your journey.
Have a break to allow for recovery, and enjoy a couple
days or More, of the Hospitalidade Portuguesa.
Hope you do well on your Caminho and find only good
people on the way.
Love and Peace – Always
Gonçalo Coelho
A Quote.
From "Happy Feet", the movie. Hoping this will be you in a day or two.
Memphis: Whatcha doin' there, boy?
Baby Mumble: [tap dancing] I'm happy, Pa!
Memphis: Whatcha doin' with your feet?
Baby Mumble: [looks down] They're happy, too!
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