Hi All,
I am writing this entry for Ashley as he is unable to get internet access. He has made it to Olivera de Azemeis a little short of their target Joao da Madeira . He is having a rather hard time of it, his feet are giving him quite a bit of bother. From the sound of it he has blisters upon blisters. Ashley is now contemplating whether he should take a bus to Oporto and then rest up for a few days to give his feet a chance to heal. I have encouraged him to do this as I think for his feets sake and his mental sake he need to be kind to himself. He has nothing to prove. The weather over there is hot and humid and this has impacted on the state of his feet. He did say that he would like some of our rain and cold but I assured him that he wouldn't. The weather in Adelaide has been awful wet, windy and wild and we all would like some warmth to come our way. Please continue to leave messages for Ashley as I know it gives him great encouragement. Happy fathers day to all the dads. Until next entry which will be from the man himself I hope.
'The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one
comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't.
~Henry Ward Beecheru
'Fall seven times, stand up eight.' ~Japanese Proverb
Keep well, Jason.
Break out the Radox.
Try some of that Portugese coffee, that will put some zing in your step.
Are there any push bike trails on this route? Can you substitute a couple of days walk with a push bike ride?
Another proverb (Chinese) says: "You can't look at the stars while you are walking if you have a stone in your shoe."
Thanks for the proverbs.
Thank you Christina.
I stayed three days in Leon (2002), Astorga (2007), and two days in Ponte de Lima (2008). Then in Salamanca (Via de la Plata - 2009) I stopped almost four days with knee problems and did not regret taking a break.
I started in Porto for Camino Portuguese. Yes, yes, yes as one who has suffered blisters walking caminos Ashley you SHOULD take a break and get out of those boots. I do feel bad for you as walking is what we want to do and the pain from blisters makes walking unbearable at times.
Steve is a good walker and can handle being alone for a few days. Rest up Ashley and enjoy Porto which is a beautiful city.
Buen camino
If you want to see where Ashley is walking I have photos of Camino Portuguese at: http://web.me.com/lkarner/Public/Index/Pages/Camino_2008_%28Portugal%29.html
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