I arrived back home Sunday morning, 34 hours after leaving Madrid. I had good flights and caught up on some movies.
It was wonderful to be met by Cristina, Callum & Riley at the airport.
Got home, sort of unpacked then Corinne arrived. Went with the boys to a birthday party, but was near asleep on my feet. Crashed when I got back home. It is now Wednesday and I am still on a different time zone. Up and wide awake at 4:00am.
For those interested, the weight loss was 10kg. Walking 750kms in 35 days with a 12kg pack is a tough way to achieve it.
I have emailed photos to some of the fellow pilgrims I met along the way. I miss the routine of the wandering tribe, and the people, and find myself longing to be there again: the unknown day ahead with some destination kms away. This is to be expected I have read - the post Camino blues, in may ways, this is where the Camino starts.
Feet are well towards healed, and the left shin slowly recovers.
It was wonderful to be met by Cristina, Callum & Riley at the airport.
Got home, sort of unpacked then Corinne arrived. Went with the boys to a birthday party, but was near asleep on my feet. Crashed when I got back home. It is now Wednesday and I am still on a different time zone. Up and wide awake at 4:00am.
For those interested, the weight loss was 10kg. Walking 750kms in 35 days with a 12kg pack is a tough way to achieve it.
I have emailed photos to some of the fellow pilgrims I met along the way. I miss the routine of the wandering tribe, and the people, and find myself longing to be there again: the unknown day ahead with some destination kms away. This is to be expected I have read - the post Camino blues, in may ways, this is where the Camino starts.
Feet are well towards healed, and the left shin slowly recovers.
This little video somes up a lot of my feelings: http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=4626203027063195198
Some photos of the folk I shared journeys with:
Wolf, Roland, Ashley, Rolf, Martin, Steve, Maureen and Luiza. I taught Roland (German) how to say 'Fair suck of the sauce bottle'. Sounded really good with his accent, In return, I got 'Das is mi wurst' (my spelling).
Ruud from Holland
Ashley, Hyejeong and Steve
Jean-Pierre (from Germany)
Anna from Hungary
Anne-Marie from Austria with Steve and I
Uta and Simone (rear), Steve and I (front)
The drinking team, Ashley, Steve (UK), Miloc (Croatia), Jean-Luc (Canada) & James (US).