Thursday, May 24, 2007

Day 17 Caldadill de Cueza to Sahagun

After a tough wet day yesterday, today was fine, clear skies early and a great walk.

Travelling mainly through trails between cereal fields. Body felt really strong today, strange given yesterday's efforts.

Saw this sign in the bar that we stopped for lunch at today. Over halfway now.

Staying at the municipal alberque here, which is a big upstairs hall attached to the old church. Had a cold shower, which have since warmed up. Trust me to be early. Had a rumour confirmed today. You will note the comment about the lightning struck tree, well today I met the Aussie lady who was metres from it when it happened. She got shaken up pretty well, now that is a surpise!


Kerr Family said...

Just logged in before going to work wish I was somewhere else. Hey, sounds like a cake walk now only 369kms to go, keep up the great work.


mummytina said...

hooray half way there, that means youre half way to coming back. We do miss you but we are all proud of you. Well done and we love you. Callum and Riley want to see a picture of you daddy and do you have a picture of the tree trunk that was struck by lightening? Keep walking towards the end and home. Love Callum Riley and Cristina.

Jason said...

As always, I am loving your blog.

I'm sure that your are missing home, and that your family is missing you.... But I'm also wondering if you are a bit sad that your experience is half over? I guess this is a half empty glass, half-full glass type of question.

Keep well, Jason