A rough night. Lots of noise from door banging and snoring.
A whole lot of us blew out of there before 0530. Then spent 10 minutes trying to read signs in the dark. Found the trail and cracked on. Had breakfast at Ages, then again later at Atapuerca. And yes, I do think the weight is dropping. Ataapuerca I gather, is a sight of great prehistoric archeological interest. Then a long climb up into the clouds. A really deep experience as the mist closed in around. I really like the climbs, they are getting much easier, but coming down is hard on the knees. As we started coming down in to Burgos, the mist lifted as we entered an ugly industrial area, then the long hard slog on Bitumen roads and streets in to Burgos proper. Lost the trail and had to get directions for the last hour from locals, to steer us to Burgos cathedral It is huge and very imposing, but hidden from the side of the town we entered. Many, if not nearly all, caught taxis in through Burgos, but not the intrepid Los Peregrinos. Got to the square of the Cathedral, and drank beer for an hour, after running in to the mob. Did I tell I turned 50 today? Now got a hotel for tonight close to town, so have some looking around time, and tomorrow go for an albergue on the way out. The Meseta looms, and many are going to bus, but I am hoping to walk it. My body is feeling much better, feet are good, shoulder behaving for the most, and knee with care is OK. I have a card reader for my digital camera, and hope to upload some snaps in the future. This PC does not have USB accessible, and won´t read CD´s. Keep following the journey, I love the comments. http://www.caminosantiago.com/way_of_saint_james/step_by_step.htm
A whole lot of us blew out of there before 0530. Then spent 10 minutes trying to read signs in the dark. Found the trail and cracked on. Had breakfast at Ages, then again later at Atapuerca. And yes, I do think the weight is dropping. Ataapuerca I gather, is a sight of great prehistoric archeological interest. Then a long climb up into the clouds. A really deep experience as the mist closed in around. I really like the climbs, they are getting much easier, but coming down is hard on the knees. As we started coming down in to Burgos, the mist lifted as we entered an ugly industrial area, then the long hard slog on Bitumen roads and streets in to Burgos proper. Lost the trail and had to get directions for the last hour from locals, to steer us to Burgos cathedral It is huge and very imposing, but hidden from the side of the town we entered. Many, if not nearly all, caught taxis in through Burgos, but not the intrepid Los Peregrinos. Got to the square of the Cathedral, and drank beer for an hour, after running in to the mob. Did I tell I turned 50 today? Now got a hotel for tonight close to town, so have some looking around time, and tomorrow go for an albergue on the way out. The Meseta looms, and many are going to bus, but I am hoping to walk it. My body is feeling much better, feet are good, shoulder behaving for the most, and knee with care is OK. I have a card reader for my digital camera, and hope to upload some snaps in the future. This PC does not have USB accessible, and won´t read CD´s. Keep following the journey, I love the comments. http://www.caminosantiago.com/way_of_saint_james/step_by_step.htm

Happy Birthday, Dude. Hope you have a few more.
Happy birthday daddy from Callum and Riley, we hope youre doing OK. Happy birthday my darling enjoy your day, travel safely and know that you travel with all our love, Cristina.
Now that was different birthday!
Happy birthday boss...
Had a couple of cold Coopers Dark Ales to celebrate your significant milestone last night.
On a different note anti-inflammatories will fix the knee.
Liane likes reading about your blog so keep them coming.
Have a good one...
Happy Birthday!May each and every passing year bring you wisdom, peace and cheer. Enjoy the rest of your trip.
Hi Ashley, happy 50th, have a great one
The Callahan's
I'm a bit late, but Happy Birthday Dad! Geez, half a century...
Love Corinne
Happy Birthday!!!!!!
Don't think you can escape the obligatory cake at work just because you are in Spain!
Doing well. Keep up the spirits (and beer?)
Have you got names for your knees and shoulder yet?
Sanity must still be intact then.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY~...hope you weren't feeling lonely without your loving family there to celebrate with you.
best wishes
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