Saturday, May 12, 2007

Day 5 Viana
Did the section from Los Arcos today to Viana, a little lighter on the body, 20 something km´s. Will have a short walk to Logrono tomorrow (4km). Feet are much better today, no extra blisters, and the draining and antiseptic yesterday helped heaps. I felt phony catching a taxi into Los Arcos, but in hindsight, was the smart move, as I would have had difficulty getting help today or tomorrow. Infection is the big worry. I did the same drain, and inject Betadine to the blisters several times this morning. Seems to work, with regular breaks OK. Legs and knees are feeling stronger.
Had a shower, shave and called home and it feels good. A quiet arvo coming up.
Today travelled through very beautiful and undulating farmland.
Staying in the Albergu at Viana, in bunks 3 high. I have a bottom bunk, so that is OK.
Unable to upload pictures at this time, even the normal computer stuff is difficult, as all the menus are in Spanish.
Cheers, and I hear the Roos won again (thanks Dave).

1 comment:

hayd said...

You sound like your enjoying the journey, hope the rest of it goes safely. Roos beat the Bombers