Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I arrived back home Sunday morning, 34 hours after leaving Madrid. I had good flights and caught up on some movies.
It was wonderful to be met by Cristina, Callum & Riley at the airport.
Got home, sort of unpacked then Corinne arrived. Went with the boys to a birthday party, but was near asleep on my feet. Crashed when I got back home. It is now Wednesday and I am still on a different time zone. Up and wide awake at 4:00am.
For those interested, the weight loss was 10kg. Walking 750kms in 35 days with a 12kg pack is a tough way to achieve it.
I have emailed photos to some of the fellow pilgrims I met along the way. I miss the routine of the wandering tribe, and the people, and find myself longing to be there again: the unknown day ahead with some destination kms away. This is to be expected I have read - the post Camino blues, in may ways, this is where the Camino starts.
Feet are well towards healed, and the left shin slowly recovers.
This little video somes up a lot of my feelings: http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=4626203027063195198

Some photos of the folk I shared journeys with:

Wolf, Roland, Ashley, Rolf, Martin, Steve, Maureen and Luiza. I taught Roland (German) how to say 'Fair suck of the sauce bottle'. Sounded really good with his accent, In return, I got 'Das is mi wurst' (my spelling).

Ruud from Holland

Ashley, Hyejeong and Steve

Jean-Pierre (from Germany)

Anna from Hungary

Anne-Marie from Austria with Steve and I

Uta and Simone (rear), Steve and I (front)

The drinking team, Ashley, Steve (UK), Miloc (Croatia), Jean-Luc (Canada) & James (US).

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